No More finger Prick

finger prick

Image Source: The Hindu Business Line

Following my Interim discussion I have been thinking for a while the true progression of the project is dependent upon ‘how future does it go’. The one clear area that Diabetic’s are unhappy with and need improving is the finger prick! A lot of feedback and insights prove this. The finger prick and testing system along with provision devices is also incredibly bulky, requiring the user to test multiple times a day and carry many lancets and testing strips. I personally do not believe considering modern advances in technology that the intrusive finger prick system is going to stay the same for generations to come. Future concepts and testing systems are already in development and some are already functional and becoming patented. These include non permanent nano ink tattoo’s, contact lenses and laser scanners. Whether the testing system is still invasive but body mounted for a longer period of time (such as Free Style Libre) or an alternative technology is adopted, I have decided to develop the project down a route moving away from invasive finger pricking.